Finding Your Guiding Star: How to Choose the Right Small Business Coach


Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey is exhilarating, yet daunting. For many American small business owners, a small business coach becomes the North Star, guiding them through the stormy seas of business. But, with a sea of coaches out there, how do you find your guiding star? Let’s navigate this together.


1. The Real Deal: Why a Small Business Coach?

Every ship needs a captain, and every entrepreneur can benefit from a mentor. A small business coach offers more than just advice; they provide mentorship, expertise, and a sounding board for your wildest ideas. Whether you’re charting new waters or sailing through familiar territory, the right coach can make all the difference.


2. Coach, Mentor, and Consultant: Navigating the Differences

A coach is akin to a personal trainer for your professional life, guiding you through specific goals, challenges, and skill development with structured sessions and actionable feedback. They often employ questioning techniques to help you discover solutions. They will not give you the solution, they will pull the solution out of you by asking you a sequence of questions.

A mentor, on the other hand, is more like a wise confidant, offering advice based on their own experiences and fostering a long-term relationship to guide your overall career or business journey. They provide insights, perspectives, and wisdom from their own journey. A mentor will often share from their own stories and you have to map this to your business and pull the learnings from the stories.

Meanwhile, a consultant is an expert in a particular field who provides specialized knowledge, solutions, or strategies for specific business problems. They’re typically hired for their expertise in a particular domain and offer direct advice or solutions based on their knowledge and experience. This means they usually give you the solution and you just follow their instructions.

Often, business coaches also use consulting or mentoring techniques to get you to your goals. Just be clear what to expect from each category of advisor.


3. Navigating the Waters: Types of Business Coaching

Coaching isn’t one-size-fits-all. Depending on where you’re anchored, different types of coaching can be beneficial:

  • Startup Coaches: For those just setting sail. They assist with business plans, market research, and initial setups.
  • Growth Coaches: For sailors ready to explore new horizons. They focus on expansion, team dynamics, and revenue streams.


  • Specialized Coaches: These are the experts in specific niches. Here are some examples:
    • E-commerce Coaches: For those diving into online sales.
    • Tech Coaches: To support not tech-savvy entrepreneurs master tech.
    • Retail Coaches: For those with brick-and-mortar businesses.
    • Service-based Coaches: For businesses offering services rather than products.
    • Marketing Coaches: Specialized on marketing techniques.
    • Sales Coaches: They aim to increase your conversion rates and get more sales in.


4. Beware the Sirens: Common Coaching Strategies to Watch Out For

While many coaches genuinely want to guide you, some might use strategies to lure you in. Be cautious of:

  • The “Magic Map” Pitch: Promises of a one-size-fits-all solution? It’s likely too good to be true. Any coach selling you that with this “one thing” you never have to work again, or that with “this one investment you will be a millionaire guaranteed”, is lying to you. Once you solved one problem, you will have another one. That is the nature of business. Don’t be fooled by solutions that sound too good to be true.
  • High-Pressure Sales Tactics: Every good salesman will increase the pressure to make you buy right now. And it is not a bad thing in general to get an incentive on why you want to buy now. If that pressure creates the positive desire that your really want this, this is all fine. But if you feel put under pressure in a way of “if you don’t buy now, you will be a loser for the rest of your life”, then be careful. Trust your gut. If the pressure creates negative feelings within you, leave it.
  • The Upsell Obsession: A coach constantly pushing more expensive packages or courses might be more interested in your gold than your growth. A great coach will be able to offer you solutions that can also work for your budget. Maybe it involves less personal time of the head coach himself. But at least they should be able to give you something to work with also at a smaller budget like an online course, resources that you can work through on your own or a group program that could be a better financial fit for you. If they tell you, you must do a 20k+ program to be successful otherwise you will be left behind, don’t buy it. There are better fits for you out there.


5. Charting a Safe Course: How to Ensure Your Coach is Legit

Before setting sail together, consider these strategies:

  • Research, Research, Research: Dive deep into their online presence. Check reviews, comments, and any feedback available.
  • Connect with Past Clients: After a webinar or seminar, reach out to attendees. Their insights can be invaluable.
  • Sample Before Committing: Consider buying a book or a mini-course. It’s a small investment to gauge compatibility.
  • Know Your Needs: Are you seeking knowledge, a shortcut, or accountability? A good coach will challenge you, but they’ll also lift you up, ensuring you never feel adrift.


6. The Compass of Connection

The best small business coach isn’t just about expertise; it’s about connection. This journey is personal, and your coach should be someone you trust, respect, and genuinely connect with.



Choosing the right small business coach is like finding your North Star. By understanding your needs, being aware of potential pitfalls, and using the strategies above, you can find a coach who truly resonates with your vision and journey. Safe sailing, fellow entrepreneur!

Remember, the entrepreneurial journey is yours, but with the right small business coach, you won’t have to navigate it alone.